Bike trips in Berlin 🇩🇪 (first selfie together and still our favorite to date).
The first time we traveled together to visit Céline's uncle in Berlin, we were just friends (or so Céline thought!). We both had a passion for traveling, so we hoped on the "Polskibus" and headed to the German capital. Hantz tried to win Céline's heart by biking her around the city (from Berlin East to Berlin West!). Thank God the efforts eventually paid off!
January 15, 2016
Lots of fun and being children again 🎨
We often give each other artistic presents since we both work in Tech and like to explore new hobbies. We also both like Art and Paintings. So that December, Céline gave Hantz a whole painting set. Quickly, our silly side took over, and we spilled a tiny bit out of the canvasses.
November 27, 2016
Our favorite trip ever in Sweden 🇸🇪
60 euros flights to Stockholm! We jumped on the occasion and very spontaneously booked tickets for the following weekend. Although it was dark at 3pm and it snowed almost the entire time, it was a magical trip, and we can't wait to go back.
December 31, 2016
December in Haiti ☃️
This was Céline's first time in Haiti. On that warm December 31, we were on a boat and spent the day in Haiti's La Gonave island. We even saw a whale. Needless to say, that New Year was hard to beat.
May 10, 2018
Mr. Joah 🎩 joined our little family.
Hantz had always wanted a dog. Céline was more of a cat person, but slowly but surely, she warmed up to the idea. Finally, in 2018, we got Joah, our adorable Mini Bernedoodle. We clearly couldn't see our lives without this furry teddy bear now. I guess the moral of the story is, "Never give up if you want something!"
May 27, 2019
Countless visits to San Francisco 🌁
Living in Silicon Valley itself might be boring, but not when you have cities like San Francisco and Santa Cruz around! We still don't get tired of walking on the beach under the Golden Gate bridge.
November 07, 2020
We got engaged! 💍
Céline was really surprised because she didn't expect Hantz to propose on her birthday. During dessert, he gave her this peculiar piece of flat wood, asking her to guess his birthday present. After 5 minutes, Céline finally opened the wooden box and faced the gorgeous engagement ring. She was shocked and obviously started to cry. Looking back, this must have been the longest seconds of Hantz's life! However, the agony was short since, true to herself, she didn't even wait for the question, the knee or anything, just put the ring on her finger and said "YES"!!
November 07, 2020
She said Yes❗Woop woop 🥰
Given that we come from different cultures, it was not an easy path for Hantz to find a ring that Céline would like or know the most thoughtful way to involve her family. In France, it's not super common for the woman to choose her ring, so he had to work off very few hints. What would fit Céline's values and taste for unique things? Also, unlike in Haiti, you technically don't really have to formally ask your girlfriend's hand to her father. Hantz navigated those waters superbly by letting both her dad and her mom into the secret before he made his move. So thoughtful: many points scored for Hantz.
December 01, 2021
We can't wait to celebrate our big day with you 🥳
You're all so important to the people we've become. You've each impacted us at one time in our lives, and we hope you'll continue to. We can't wait to party with you and live this beautiful moment with our loved ones!